Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Just some clarification on the tutorials:

I have had a few questions on the tutorial schedule and I apologize for not making it as clear as I should.

Tutorials are for all of my friends and for all subjects.

They will be held Monday through Thursday, because hey now, everyone needs a brain break right?

They are held from dismissal to 3:30pm.

You will be responsible for your child's transportation home.

If your child would like to attend these tutorials please fill out the form sent home in this week's Tuesday folder. If lost, no worries, please just let me know who will be picking them up and a contact number.

If you are not sure the subject area they need to focus on I will place based on my observations in class.

I will be stapling in a system of sorts (it's in the works) for you to let me know what days that week they will be attending. If its just Wednesday or Thursday or all days, no matter, anything that works for you!

Thanks so much!

Ms. Davis

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