Friday, April 8, 2016

Forward Friday

Here are what we are learning next week:

Reading: continuing biographies (read up on your friend's famous person found in the post below)
Writing: adverbs
Math: 2 dimensional shapes
Science: animal's physical adaptations
Social Studies: timelines

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Go Noodle Champ #5

Love IT!

No Work, All Play #4

In math we have begun telling time to the hour and half hour. For the fourth No Work, All Play sit down with your friend and list out their daily schedule. Write the time in two ways: digital time and draw the clock in analog time. Here's an example:

Wake Up:

Go to School:


Make sure the times are only to the hour and half hour!
Bring this to school for 2 Dojo Points!

Biography Time

For reading and writing we will be starting biographies! Tomorrow in computer lab we will be researching our famous figures and begin writing our favorite facts to put on our biography poster. Friends stuck their hand in a hat to pick out who they will be researching. Here is the list of the chosen figures. Talk about them at home to get them excited!

Micah Alexander-1st Lady-Michelle Obama
Matthew Becerra-author-Dr. Seuss
Luis Cervantes-author-Maurice Sendak
Lauren Chan-business leader-Bill Gates
Carolina Dale-athlete-Muhammad Ali
Dante Deynes-air/space explorer-Sally Ride
Jerry Diamond-teacher/helper-Jane Addams
Rohan Dsouza-author-Tomie dePaola
Ryan Dubey-teacher/helper-Juliette Gordon Low
Terry Eneh-business-Mary Kay Ash
Jaelynn Fuentes-athlete-Jackie Robinson
Makenna Gilbreath-athlete-Wilma Rudolph
Emerald Huynh-air/space explorer-Amelia Earheart
Joleigh Kan-artist-Georgia O’ Keefe
Jonathan Laurier-scientist-Benjamin Banneker
Nicholas Lekousis-1st Lady-Eleanor Roosevelt
Daniel Maresh-1st Lady-Jacqueline Kennedy
Andoni Marinez Diaz-author-Mo Williams
Daniel Navraez-author-Babe Ruth
Jibril Seck-artist-Carmen Lomas Garza
Gabby Hernandez-business leader-Sam Walton