Friday, March 4, 2016

Forward Friday

One more week till Spring Break!!!!! We can do it!

Here is what we are learning in class next week:

Reading: Fables
Writing: continuing letter writing
Math: continuing place value and composing/decomposing numbers
Science: continuing plant parts
Social Studies: starting symbols and the pledges

Remember to have your Class Dojo monster to me by Friday!

Class Dojo Monster Design Contest

Class Dojo is holding a monster design contest. I am sending home the entry forms! If you choose to participate I need them by Friday, March 11!

Here is the example they included:

Thursday, March 3, 2016

No Work, All Play #3

Contractions in action!

Complete the contraction dominoes activity sent home in the clear baggy. Time your friend each time to see if they can do it faster and faster. Sign the back of the "cheat sheet" and date it to receive 2 Dojo Points! Please make sure to send it back to school!
The game should look something like this:

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Pledge Practice

Over next few weeks we will be learning about US symbols and their meanings. As a part of this learning objective we will be reciting the US and TX pledge for a social studies grade. Please practice these at home as needed.

Here are some links to practice with:

US Pledge
Texas Pledge

Monday, February 29, 2016

Expository Model

Here is a copy of the model used in class for our expository writing. This may better help with understanding your child's grade for the last major and recent minor grade being sent home tomorrow!
The introduction is complete with stating our subject, listing our 2 reasons, and how we feel. 
The body is complete with expanding on our 2 reasons. 
The conclusion is complete with restating our subject, reasons, and a future statement!