Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Field Trip Update


Your field trip permission form was sent home today. Please have it in to me no later by February 12th. 

Please be sure to remember to fill out the lunch section. 

Thanks again for all the help for the 100th day, donations, helpers, and volunteers. You made it so special for everyone and I couldn't have done it without you!

On to day 101!

Ms. Davis

Monday, February 1, 2016

Valentine's Day and E-mail Change

Hello everyone!

First off and most important:

I have gotten my new LCISD email:


I will continue to check my original for a week from now! Please try to start emailing me at the address above!

Also here are the rules for Valentine's Day from the First Grade Team!

            We are permitted to have two parties per year (Holiday/Winter Party, End of the Year Party). On that note, Valentine’s Day is not one of our designed parties. However, we will spend the last 10 minutes of class exchanging Valentine’s cards. Anything sent to school (cards, candies, goodie bags, etc.) will be sent directly home and is not allowed to be opened at school.

If you choose to send Valentine’s to school with your child, please leave the “TO” section blank and have your child write his/her own name in the “FROM” section. We will pass these out at the very end of the day. Please be sure to have 22 Valentine’s – if you do not send enough, they will not be passed out.

Have a wonderful day!

Ms. Davis