Thursday, April 21, 2016

New Class Novel

We have started a new book in class! I am so excited to read to our friends The BFG by Roald Dahl. 

Even better the movie by Disney is being made and will be out on July 1st. Just in time for the end of the year and a summertime treat.
The BFG is full of adventure, fantasy, and characterization. 
I put the trailer for the movie down below. 

A book I am currently reading, actually LISTENING to is 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think.

 It's a great read and I am listening to it via and the app back and from school. I highly recommend Audible. You get your first book free and it's an awesome way to get in that reading time without having to set it aside from the rest of your day. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

All About Animals

To continue with practicing research, we will be writing an All About on our favorite animals. Starting Friday we will be in the computer lab writing notes on an animal of our choice. Below is the list with each friend's chosen animal. Take time to discuss at home and get them excited. Please do not share other friend's animals, we want it to be a surprise come presentation time!

                                                 Micah Alexander-zebra
Matthew Becerra-electric eel
Luis Cervantes-eagle
Lauren Chan-sea lion
Carolina Dale-tiger
Dante Deynes-rhino
Jerry Diamond-wolf spider
Rohan Dsouza-blue shark
Ryan Dubey-duck
Terry Eneh-snake
Jaelynn Fuentes-wolf
Makenna Gilbreath-African elephant
Emerald Huynh-ladybug
Joleigh Kan-blue jay
Jonathan Laurier-lion
Nicholas Lekousis-Great White shark
Daniel Maresh-pig
Andoni Marinez Diaz-cheetah
Daniel Navraez-Great White shark
Jibril Seck-tiger shark
Gabby Hernandez-frog