Wednesday, January 27, 2016

100th Day!

Hello everyone!

As you are aware by now we are celebrating our 100th day of school on Tuesday, February 2nd!
We will be utilizing many goodies with the kids and I would love your support. 

I have created a sign up online and if you would like to contribute please follow the directions below:

-In the top right hand corner is a TINY link that says Find A Sign Up
-Find by Email
-Type in
-Prove your not a robot
-Ms. Davis's Class should appear 

Thank you so much in advance and if you would like to attend the event do not hesitate to shoot me an email, send a note with your friend, or call me. More hands on deck the better!

Wearing 100
Please decorate a t-shirt with 100 items.  The
type of item is up to you...BE CREATIVE!!!

Beads, button, safety pins, ribbons, etc…

Thanks and Happy 100th Day!

Ms. Davis

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