Friday, February 12, 2016

Forward Friday and Happy Valentine's Day!

Have a Happy Valentines Weekend!

Thank you all so much for the sweet treats and goodies. It meant so much!

Some things we have coming up next week are:

Writing: finishing and publishing our expository writing
Reading: continuing context clues and major grade Wednesday
Math: finishing up graphing and major grade Thursday
Science: continuing living and non-living things
Social Studies: finishing up inventors and major grade Friday

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Math Review

Here are some things to review with your child before the math mid-point major on February 17th, 2016.


• Students should be able to identify coins; including the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter.
• They should be able to tell you the value of each coin.
• They should be able to tell you which coin is worth the most/least.
• Students need to be able to count a group of coins and know its value. (This includes questions like:  I have 10 cents.  My dad gives me 2 quarters. How much money do I have now?
• Students will need to know how to gather and organize data to make a graph.
• They will need to know how to look at a graph and answer questions about the data represented in the graph.
• Students should know the difference between a bar-type graph and a pictograph.  They will need to know how to create one with the data they are given.

The kids have really done well with graphing, but coins have been a challenge for many of them.  Please spend some time reviewing with them or looking over the minor grades that have been given.




Ms. Davis 


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Our First GoNoodle! Champ!

Congratulations Class! 
We have finally fully grown our first GoNoodle champion Tangy Bodangy! 
GoNoodle has been a huge favorite in our classroom. It gets our friends up and moving and ready to learn our next subject of the day. 
Just a reminder to our friends that GoNoodle is an awesome privilege that we as a class earn to do every single day. The more we listen, learn, participate, and work hard the more dancing we get to do and the more our champs grow! Tangy was added to our "Wall of Champions"! Let's get working on the next one!

Valentine's Day Ideas

                                                                           Hey friends!

Just a reminder that we will be having a very small Valentine's Day card exchange Friday! (Another reminder that that is a half day as well). If you would like to bring a "mailbox" decorated from a tissue box or shoebox that will be allowed, but there will be no time for working on it in class. If you do not have time to make one I completely understand! I will be providing either a paper bag or Ziplock bag to bring them home in. Please review the rules in a previous blog post that all of First Grade will be adhering to regarding cards and candy. These are some cute ideas to inspire the mushy gushy side of my friends for their mailboxes! You can find these on Pinterest if you would like to recreate!

Forward Friday

Some new things we will be learning in class this week will be:

Reading: using context clues 
Writing: completing expository writing by working on the body of our prompt 
Science: living and nonliving things...worms may be joining us 
Social Studies: completing inventors in history 
Math: continuing graphing 

Please be looking out for our next No Work, All Play and review the guidelines for Valentines Day in our classroom! Remember Friday is a half-day! 

Ms. Davis