Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Donors Choose!

I have started a Donors Choose project for a listening center for next year's 1st Grade Class!
If you like to donate click the link below!

Also, use the code LIFTOFF for Donors Choose to match your amount!


Listening to Reading Center

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Preposition: It's on a mission...

to tell us it's position!

Today we labeled the room with tons of prepositional phrases. Some were so silly! 
Here a few of our favorites!

Dante and Rohan: next to the calendar

Ryan: on the rug      

                                                           Jaelynn: around the Coke bottle

Emerald and Niko: through the door   

                                                   Micah: up Ms. Davis's back

Monday, May 9, 2016

List and Acrostic Poems

Below are examples of the poem grades we created last week.

The list poem lists out ideas we connect with the expression "OUCH!"
We brainstormed our thoughts first and listed our personal favorites.

The acrostic poem describes our personalities using the letters of our names.