Thursday, May 26, 2016

On to Second Grade...

And so it ends...

I wanted to take the time to thank you all as parents for the amazing semester I had teaching your children. It seems like only yesterday I walked into such a different classroom and saw such different students. It amazes me to see how quickly and brilliantly they have all grown; as learners, as friends, and as personalities. So many bloomed so beautifully and gracefully and I couldn't be blessed more than to watch it all happen in front of my very eyes.

I also want to thank you for instilling your trust in me as a new face, teacher, and part of your family. I could only imagine the stress and emotions you felt as a parent to see your child take such a sudden turn in their year as a first grader. I am sure many of you experienced tears, worries, and frights at home in fear that they couldn't adjust. I am filled with joy and emotion to say here today that I have made such a bond with EACH AND EVERY ONE of these children. They forever implanted a concrete paw on my heart as my very first class and very first love of teaching.

Lastly I want to personally thank all of my chicken nuggets, my dudes, my "girlfriends": my students.  I love you all the same and in many, very different ways. Your smiles, your silly jokes, your dance moves, your hugs, and your stories will be very missed. My job was to come every day and teach you something new, but at this moment I have realized that you have done the very same for me. I know I have told you so many times, but there are some things I can't help but tell you again:
1. You are capable of anything, everything, and even more.
2. The world is full of bullies but don't be one to yourself.
3. You are so important.
4. You know how to get out of the "dip" so don't get stuck!
5. There is always someone who believes in you: YOU!

So with so much love and gratitude:
peace out!

Ms. Davis

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Donors Choose!

I have started a Donors Choose project for a listening center for next year's 1st Grade Class!
If you like to donate click the link below!

Also, use the code LIFTOFF for Donors Choose to match your amount!


Listening to Reading Center

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Preposition: It's on a mission...

to tell us it's position!

Today we labeled the room with tons of prepositional phrases. Some were so silly! 
Here a few of our favorites!

Dante and Rohan: next to the calendar

Ryan: on the rug      

                                                           Jaelynn: around the Coke bottle

Emerald and Niko: through the door   

                                                   Micah: up Ms. Davis's back

Monday, May 9, 2016

List and Acrostic Poems

Below are examples of the poem grades we created last week.

The list poem lists out ideas we connect with the expression "OUCH!"
We brainstormed our thoughts first and listed our personal favorites.

The acrostic poem describes our personalities using the letters of our names. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Geographical Locations Book-Major Grade


This week we finished up our geographical locations book: our first major grade in social studies for the fourth nine weeks. We drew and described land forms, shelter, food, weather, and clothing for four different places in our world. This was done as a whole group and independent assignment. Below was the classroom example we did together and had a conversation about. This may help you understand the model for your friend's major grades. This will go home in the next Tuesday folder!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

New Class Novel

We have started a new book in class! I am so excited to read to our friends The BFG by Roald Dahl. 

Even better the movie by Disney is being made and will be out on July 1st. Just in time for the end of the year and a summertime treat.
The BFG is full of adventure, fantasy, and characterization. 
I put the trailer for the movie down below. 

A book I am currently reading, actually LISTENING to is 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think.

 It's a great read and I am listening to it via and the app back and from school. I highly recommend Audible. You get your first book free and it's an awesome way to get in that reading time without having to set it aside from the rest of your day. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

All About Animals

To continue with practicing research, we will be writing an All About on our favorite animals. Starting Friday we will be in the computer lab writing notes on an animal of our choice. Below is the list with each friend's chosen animal. Take time to discuss at home and get them excited. Please do not share other friend's animals, we want it to be a surprise come presentation time!

                                                 Micah Alexander-zebra
Matthew Becerra-electric eel
Luis Cervantes-eagle
Lauren Chan-sea lion
Carolina Dale-tiger
Dante Deynes-rhino
Jerry Diamond-wolf spider
Rohan Dsouza-blue shark
Ryan Dubey-duck
Terry Eneh-snake
Jaelynn Fuentes-wolf
Makenna Gilbreath-African elephant
Emerald Huynh-ladybug
Joleigh Kan-blue jay
Jonathan Laurier-lion
Nicholas Lekousis-Great White shark
Daniel Maresh-pig
Andoni Marinez Diaz-cheetah
Daniel Navraez-Great White shark
Jibril Seck-tiger shark
Gabby Hernandez-frog

Friday, April 8, 2016

Forward Friday

Here are what we are learning next week:

Reading: continuing biographies (read up on your friend's famous person found in the post below)
Writing: adverbs
Math: 2 dimensional shapes
Science: animal's physical adaptations
Social Studies: timelines

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Go Noodle Champ #5

Love IT!

No Work, All Play #4

In math we have begun telling time to the hour and half hour. For the fourth No Work, All Play sit down with your friend and list out their daily schedule. Write the time in two ways: digital time and draw the clock in analog time. Here's an example:

Wake Up:

Go to School:


Make sure the times are only to the hour and half hour!
Bring this to school for 2 Dojo Points!

Biography Time

For reading and writing we will be starting biographies! Tomorrow in computer lab we will be researching our famous figures and begin writing our favorite facts to put on our biography poster. Friends stuck their hand in a hat to pick out who they will be researching. Here is the list of the chosen figures. Talk about them at home to get them excited!

Micah Alexander-1st Lady-Michelle Obama
Matthew Becerra-author-Dr. Seuss
Luis Cervantes-author-Maurice Sendak
Lauren Chan-business leader-Bill Gates
Carolina Dale-athlete-Muhammad Ali
Dante Deynes-air/space explorer-Sally Ride
Jerry Diamond-teacher/helper-Jane Addams
Rohan Dsouza-author-Tomie dePaola
Ryan Dubey-teacher/helper-Juliette Gordon Low
Terry Eneh-business-Mary Kay Ash
Jaelynn Fuentes-athlete-Jackie Robinson
Makenna Gilbreath-athlete-Wilma Rudolph
Emerald Huynh-air/space explorer-Amelia Earheart
Joleigh Kan-artist-Georgia O’ Keefe
Jonathan Laurier-scientist-Benjamin Banneker
Nicholas Lekousis-1st Lady-Eleanor Roosevelt
Daniel Maresh-1st Lady-Jacqueline Kennedy
Andoni Marinez Diaz-author-Mo Williams
Daniel Navraez-author-Babe Ruth
Jibril Seck-artist-Carmen Lomas Garza
Gabby Hernandez-business leader-Sam Walton

Friday, March 11, 2016

Our Friendly Letters


Just wanted to update you on our writing work this week which was friendly letters. Below I have my model that we did in class many times for certain topics regarding letter format.
One letter that I will be sending back home will be the letter written below, which was a Letter To My Future Self. I have sealed this letter to be opened in 2027 when your friends should graduate high school...(shocking, I know, I did the math and almost had a heart attack) 
You may keep this letter stowed away for their graduation day or open it, which ever you please. We had a hilarious time thinking about what we and our world will look like in 11 years! 
Important Things To Look For: Date in right hand corner, greeting with a capital letter, name of recipient capitalized, comma after name, body starting with a capital letter, closing starting with a capital letter, appropriate send-off, comma after closing, signature at the end of the page, name capitalized 

Another letter we wrote this week was a letter to our favorite Disney Character. My original plan was to use this only as practice but because of the utmost AMAZING quality of work and incredible ideas our friends had I will be using these as our Letter Writing daily grade. Another part of my plan was to mail these off to Disney World, because if I do so, they have a program where they will send a postcard back. I promised my friends this, so I will follow through. When you receive this grade back I will be including the rubric and a scanned copy of their original letter, since the other is off to the most magical place in the world!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Ms. Davis

ClassDojo Monster Design Contest


Just wanted to share one of the many awesome entries for the ClassDojo Monster Contest!

Entries are still accepted till March 15th. Could be a great Spring Break project. You can take a picture of your completed entry and email it to
I used the free app GeniusScan to convert my photo into PDF form if you prefer. The selected monster will be featured in the new video series. Some friends were asking to the link for the old series so I'll post it below!

New Reading

A new book our class has started together is The Doll People. We will be reading chapter by chapter together, making predictions, journaling, and testing our comprehension skills along the way. If you would like to follow along at home feel free, but don't get too ahead! The Doll People is full of mystery, action, and imagination. This was my very first book I read on my own when I was little and I still get excited thinking about it. 

For mom, dad, grandparents, or special someones: A book I'm currently reading is by Brene Brown. She is a social scientist starting a conversation on courage, vulnerability, shame, and worthiness. It's a great read and I highly recommend it. 

Our Forward Friday will be posted next Friday, March 18th. Be sure to be going over the review sheets emailed to you this week. If you have not received those documents please email me ASAP.

Other than that have an awesome holiday!

Ms. Davis

Friday, March 4, 2016

Forward Friday

One more week till Spring Break!!!!! We can do it!

Here is what we are learning in class next week:

Reading: Fables
Writing: continuing letter writing
Math: continuing place value and composing/decomposing numbers
Science: continuing plant parts
Social Studies: starting symbols and the pledges

Remember to have your Class Dojo monster to me by Friday!

Class Dojo Monster Design Contest

Class Dojo is holding a monster design contest. I am sending home the entry forms! If you choose to participate I need them by Friday, March 11!

Here is the example they included:

Thursday, March 3, 2016

No Work, All Play #3

Contractions in action!

Complete the contraction dominoes activity sent home in the clear baggy. Time your friend each time to see if they can do it faster and faster. Sign the back of the "cheat sheet" and date it to receive 2 Dojo Points! Please make sure to send it back to school!
The game should look something like this:

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Pledge Practice

Over next few weeks we will be learning about US symbols and their meanings. As a part of this learning objective we will be reciting the US and TX pledge for a social studies grade. Please practice these at home as needed.

Here are some links to practice with:

US Pledge
Texas Pledge

Monday, February 29, 2016

Expository Model

Here is a copy of the model used in class for our expository writing. This may better help with understanding your child's grade for the last major and recent minor grade being sent home tomorrow!
The introduction is complete with stating our subject, listing our 2 reasons, and how we feel. 
The body is complete with expanding on our 2 reasons. 
The conclusion is complete with restating our subject, reasons, and a future statement!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Forward Friday

Because field trip is tomorrow I am posting our Forward Friday today! Please be on the look out for mini study guides for some of the subjects below!

Reading: Contractions
Writing: Letter writing
Math: Decomposing numbers up to 120
Social Studies: Fourth of July and Veteran's Day
Science: parts of a plant

I will also be posting our model that we used for this week's last expository writing grade. This may help you better understand what I was looking for in the last major grade.

Thanks and have a great weekend!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Forward Friday and Grades

This week we will be learning...

Reading: Compound Words and Author's Purpose
Writing: finishing up Expository Writing
Math: Place Value up to 120
Science: continuing living and non-living things
Social Studies: learning about National Holidays (Fourth of July and Veteran's Day)


Grades have been completed for Progress Reports, there should be a minimum of 4 daily grades and 1 major. All of these will be sent home Tuesday in their folders. 

Please keep in mind that Expository writing and Counting Coins was a big challenge for some friends, if you have any questions regarding grades or assignments please do not hesitate to ask. 

Thanks and have a great week!

P.S. Keep look out for a note regarding field trip that will list what to wear, times of arrival and departure, etc. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

No Work, All Play #2

Independent reading can be tough when there are twenty things on your mind. This could be work, how many loads of laundry await us, what we are cooking for dinner, or maybe how far we can get on the next level of SuperMario and which Shopkins we still need to collect.
For some of us independent reading is enjoyable and to others its down-right boring. Regardless, independent reading is a huge stimulant and factor when it comes to creating learning minds for math and all the way to history. That's why encouraging independent reading at home and at school is so important and my next challenge for my friends and their families is to get everyone involved! Yes, you! Join your little one for a little bit of independent reading time because it's not just them who might need a little bit of quiet're welcome!
Independent reading may seem like a simple task: sit down and read. Yet, it's not so simple for our learning friends. It's important to model what successful independent reading looks like vs unsuccessful skimming of their favorite picture book. Ask what they think successful independent reading may mean. Is it sitting in a comfy chair? Laying down in bed? Is it important to have a bright light? Do we ask ourselves questions along the way? Write down and draw what we find successful independent reading to be. Here are some tips for the job:
  • Establish a place in the house for independent reading (reading chair, couch, carpet)
  • Pick a book that interests you 
  • Pick a book on level (not too hard, not too easy)
  • Reread when you lose meaning
  • Set a timer for the amount of time you wish to read (not under 7 min. but not over 20 min)
    • We want to train our bodies to be still and our minds focused for this amount of time. Start at a short amount and ask, "Was this too long for me? Do I want to read more?" Make independent reading a comfortable moment, not forced. 
  • Make sure you are modeling what our friend should look like during independent reading. Don't answer the phone, answer other children's questions, have the TV on. You are the model! If you make reading seem interesting, fun, and relaxing, they will follow you.
  • Discuss both of your books when the timer is up. Ask comprehension questions like: "What was your favorite character? Why do you think that happened?"
A book I am currently reading you may enjoy is The Energy Bus. This is all about putting positive energy into your relationships, career, and life. Check it out! Books that are great for our friends are Magic Tree House, Pete the Cat, or Junie B. Jones. I ask that if you ever are cleaning out bookcases, are at garage sales, or Half-Price Books please keep us in mind for our Class Library. I would love any donations, no matter how old the books are. 

If you complete this No Work, All Play send a note any day of the week signed with how many minutes you completed of independent reading and their plan for what successful independent reading looks like. 3 Dojo Points will be awarded. 

Thanks and happy reading!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Forward Friday and Happy Valentine's Day!

Have a Happy Valentines Weekend!

Thank you all so much for the sweet treats and goodies. It meant so much!

Some things we have coming up next week are:

Writing: finishing and publishing our expository writing
Reading: continuing context clues and major grade Wednesday
Math: finishing up graphing and major grade Thursday
Science: continuing living and non-living things
Social Studies: finishing up inventors and major grade Friday

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Math Review

Here are some things to review with your child before the math mid-point major on February 17th, 2016.


• Students should be able to identify coins; including the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter.
• They should be able to tell you the value of each coin.
• They should be able to tell you which coin is worth the most/least.
• Students need to be able to count a group of coins and know its value. (This includes questions like:  I have 10 cents.  My dad gives me 2 quarters. How much money do I have now?
• Students will need to know how to gather and organize data to make a graph.
• They will need to know how to look at a graph and answer questions about the data represented in the graph.
• Students should know the difference between a bar-type graph and a pictograph.  They will need to know how to create one with the data they are given.

The kids have really done well with graphing, but coins have been a challenge for many of them.  Please spend some time reviewing with them or looking over the minor grades that have been given.




Ms. Davis 


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Our First GoNoodle! Champ!

Congratulations Class! 
We have finally fully grown our first GoNoodle champion Tangy Bodangy! 
GoNoodle has been a huge favorite in our classroom. It gets our friends up and moving and ready to learn our next subject of the day. 
Just a reminder to our friends that GoNoodle is an awesome privilege that we as a class earn to do every single day. The more we listen, learn, participate, and work hard the more dancing we get to do and the more our champs grow! Tangy was added to our "Wall of Champions"! Let's get working on the next one!

Valentine's Day Ideas

                                                                           Hey friends!

Just a reminder that we will be having a very small Valentine's Day card exchange Friday! (Another reminder that that is a half day as well). If you would like to bring a "mailbox" decorated from a tissue box or shoebox that will be allowed, but there will be no time for working on it in class. If you do not have time to make one I completely understand! I will be providing either a paper bag or Ziplock bag to bring them home in. Please review the rules in a previous blog post that all of First Grade will be adhering to regarding cards and candy. These are some cute ideas to inspire the mushy gushy side of my friends for their mailboxes! You can find these on Pinterest if you would like to recreate!

Forward Friday

Some new things we will be learning in class this week will be:

Reading: using context clues 
Writing: completing expository writing by working on the body of our prompt 
Science: living and nonliving things...worms may be joining us 
Social Studies: completing inventors in history 
Math: continuing graphing 

Please be looking out for our next No Work, All Play and review the guidelines for Valentines Day in our classroom! Remember Friday is a half-day! 

Ms. Davis 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Field Trip Update


Your field trip permission form was sent home today. Please have it in to me no later by February 12th. 

Please be sure to remember to fill out the lunch section. 

Thanks again for all the help for the 100th day, donations, helpers, and volunteers. You made it so special for everyone and I couldn't have done it without you!

On to day 101!

Ms. Davis

Monday, February 1, 2016

Valentine's Day and E-mail Change

Hello everyone!

First off and most important:

I have gotten my new LCISD email:

I will continue to check my original for a week from now! Please try to start emailing me at the address above!

Also here are the rules for Valentine's Day from the First Grade Team!

            We are permitted to have two parties per year (Holiday/Winter Party, End of the Year Party). On that note, Valentine’s Day is not one of our designed parties. However, we will spend the last 10 minutes of class exchanging Valentine’s cards. Anything sent to school (cards, candies, goodie bags, etc.) will be sent directly home and is not allowed to be opened at school.

If you choose to send Valentine’s to school with your child, please leave the “TO” section blank and have your child write his/her own name in the “FROM” section. We will pass these out at the very end of the day. Please be sure to have 22 Valentine’s – if you do not send enough, they will not be passed out.

Have a wonderful day!

Ms. Davis