Friday, March 11, 2016

Our Friendly Letters


Just wanted to update you on our writing work this week which was friendly letters. Below I have my model that we did in class many times for certain topics regarding letter format.
One letter that I will be sending back home will be the letter written below, which was a Letter To My Future Self. I have sealed this letter to be opened in 2027 when your friends should graduate high school...(shocking, I know, I did the math and almost had a heart attack) 
You may keep this letter stowed away for their graduation day or open it, which ever you please. We had a hilarious time thinking about what we and our world will look like in 11 years! 
Important Things To Look For: Date in right hand corner, greeting with a capital letter, name of recipient capitalized, comma after name, body starting with a capital letter, closing starting with a capital letter, appropriate send-off, comma after closing, signature at the end of the page, name capitalized 

Another letter we wrote this week was a letter to our favorite Disney Character. My original plan was to use this only as practice but because of the utmost AMAZING quality of work and incredible ideas our friends had I will be using these as our Letter Writing daily grade. Another part of my plan was to mail these off to Disney World, because if I do so, they have a program where they will send a postcard back. I promised my friends this, so I will follow through. When you receive this grade back I will be including the rubric and a scanned copy of their original letter, since the other is off to the most magical place in the world!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Ms. Davis

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