Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Math Review

Here are some things to review with your child before the math mid-point major on February 17th, 2016.


• Students should be able to identify coins; including the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter.
• They should be able to tell you the value of each coin.
• They should be able to tell you which coin is worth the most/least.
• Students need to be able to count a group of coins and know its value. (This includes questions like:  I have 10 cents.  My dad gives me 2 quarters. How much money do I have now?
• Students will need to know how to gather and organize data to make a graph.
• They will need to know how to look at a graph and answer questions about the data represented in the graph.
• Students should know the difference between a bar-type graph and a pictograph.  They will need to know how to create one with the data they are given.

The kids have really done well with graphing, but coins have been a challenge for many of them.  Please spend some time reviewing with them or looking over the minor grades that have been given.




Ms. Davis 


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