Thursday, May 26, 2016

On to Second Grade...

And so it ends...

I wanted to take the time to thank you all as parents for the amazing semester I had teaching your children. It seems like only yesterday I walked into such a different classroom and saw such different students. It amazes me to see how quickly and brilliantly they have all grown; as learners, as friends, and as personalities. So many bloomed so beautifully and gracefully and I couldn't be blessed more than to watch it all happen in front of my very eyes.

I also want to thank you for instilling your trust in me as a new face, teacher, and part of your family. I could only imagine the stress and emotions you felt as a parent to see your child take such a sudden turn in their year as a first grader. I am sure many of you experienced tears, worries, and frights at home in fear that they couldn't adjust. I am filled with joy and emotion to say here today that I have made such a bond with EACH AND EVERY ONE of these children. They forever implanted a concrete paw on my heart as my very first class and very first love of teaching.

Lastly I want to personally thank all of my chicken nuggets, my dudes, my "girlfriends": my students.  I love you all the same and in many, very different ways. Your smiles, your silly jokes, your dance moves, your hugs, and your stories will be very missed. My job was to come every day and teach you something new, but at this moment I have realized that you have done the very same for me. I know I have told you so many times, but there are some things I can't help but tell you again:
1. You are capable of anything, everything, and even more.
2. The world is full of bullies but don't be one to yourself.
3. You are so important.
4. You know how to get out of the "dip" so don't get stuck!
5. There is always someone who believes in you: YOU!

So with so much love and gratitude:
peace out!

Ms. Davis

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Donors Choose!

I have started a Donors Choose project for a listening center for next year's 1st Grade Class!
If you like to donate click the link below!

Also, use the code LIFTOFF for Donors Choose to match your amount!


Listening to Reading Center

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Preposition: It's on a mission...

to tell us it's position!

Today we labeled the room with tons of prepositional phrases. Some were so silly! 
Here a few of our favorites!

Dante and Rohan: next to the calendar

Ryan: on the rug      

                                                           Jaelynn: around the Coke bottle

Emerald and Niko: through the door   

                                                   Micah: up Ms. Davis's back

Monday, May 9, 2016

List and Acrostic Poems

Below are examples of the poem grades we created last week.

The list poem lists out ideas we connect with the expression "OUCH!"
We brainstormed our thoughts first and listed our personal favorites.

The acrostic poem describes our personalities using the letters of our names. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Geographical Locations Book-Major Grade


This week we finished up our geographical locations book: our first major grade in social studies for the fourth nine weeks. We drew and described land forms, shelter, food, weather, and clothing for four different places in our world. This was done as a whole group and independent assignment. Below was the classroom example we did together and had a conversation about. This may help you understand the model for your friend's major grades. This will go home in the next Tuesday folder!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

New Class Novel

We have started a new book in class! I am so excited to read to our friends The BFG by Roald Dahl. 

Even better the movie by Disney is being made and will be out on July 1st. Just in time for the end of the year and a summertime treat.
The BFG is full of adventure, fantasy, and characterization. 
I put the trailer for the movie down below. 

A book I am currently reading, actually LISTENING to is 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think.

 It's a great read and I am listening to it via and the app back and from school. I highly recommend Audible. You get your first book free and it's an awesome way to get in that reading time without having to set it aside from the rest of your day.